Hey, it's Jason

- Dad, husband, and dog friend in Seattle ( 52°F )
- Working in design, development, and leadership
- Playing ice hockey and the Pathfinder TTRPG
Recently read
Your App Should Have Been A Website (And Probably Your Game Too)
The smartphone boom changed everything. Suddenly, apps were everywhere, connecting people, solving problems, and entertaining us. But for a while now, they’ve started to feel more like a burden than a blessing.
rogueengine.io • 6m read
OKLCH, explained for designers
OKLCH is a new color space that improves design and development with a wider color gamut. Learn why it's the new standard for web colors. Last week, TailwindCSS released their v4 version with revamped color tokens using OKLCH.
desktopofsamuel.com • 3m read
Moving on from 18F.
Note: This post gets into the last few weeks of American politics. If that’s not your cup of tea, or if that’s a stressful topic for you, please feel free to skip this one. (Also, it’s a bit long. Sorry about that.) Last week, I finished my tenure as a designer at 18F.
ethanmarcotte.com • 10m read
Aspect Ratio Changes With CSS View Transitions
So here I am playing with CSS view transitions (again). I’ve followed Dave’s instructions for transitioning the page generally and am now working on individual pieces of UI specifically.
blog.jim-nielsen.com • 2m read
Components AI — A new way to explore generative design systems
Build custom design tools without writing any code. Create responsive components, pages, and sites that you can use in any type of web project. Style markup templates with curated themes or your own design tokens. Import or define design tokens to use in all of your designs.
Introducing Ombré...
And then I stumbled my way into . While it's still very early on in development, here was a paradigm that made shader programming feel more like writing regular JavaScript code.
ombre-ui.com • 3m read
Style-observer: JS to observe CSS property changes, for reals
I cannot count the number of times in my career I wished I could run JS in response to CSS property changes, regardless of what triggered them: media queries, user actions, or even other JS. Use cases abound.
lea.verou.me • 4m read
React App
Web site created using create-react-app
I Never Got a Car in Kazakhstan, or: On Corruption
I never got a car in Kazakhstan. I’m from Detroit.
erikas.online • 8m read
A Crisis of Trust in the Classroom
It was the day after returning from Thanksgiving break. I’d been stewing that whole time over yet another case of cheating, and I resolved to do something about it. “Folks,” I said, “I just can’t trust you anymore.”
insidehighered.com • 9m read
Why Agile Is Losing Steam
As I am sure you are well aware, companies have been purging themselves of what they now perceive to be niche roles not directly tied to the bottom line.
thelaterallens.substack.com • 8m read
6 CSS Snippets Every Front-End Developer Should Know In 2025
2025; I think every front-end developer should know how to enable page transitions, transition a <dialog>, popover, and <details>, animate light n' dark gradient text, type safe their CSS system, and add springy easing to animation. AI is not going to give you this CSS.
nerdy.dev • 11m read
CSS text-box-trim
Take back space from above and below your text content; achieve optical balance. From Chrome 133, text-box lets developers and designers tailor the space above and below text.
developer.chrome.com • 4m read
New capabilities for attr()
The ability to use attr() references in CSS is getting more powerful.
una.im • 6m read
The Clean Start Protocol
There have been times that I was working on some new code and found an unexpected problem either with the automated tests or by manually running the code and seeing a flaw that wasn’t covered by a test.
industriallogic.com • 8m read
Radically Simple Web Architecture — A Web Application Blueprint for Startups and small Enterprises
This article offers a blueprint for small to mid-sized companies running or building a web application across multiple teams.
medium.com • 19m read
Segmentation fault
The politics of migration from poor countries to rich is structured by exploitation and segmentation. When societies are unequal and divided, the incidence of the surplus from exploitation also becomes important.
drafts.interfluidity.com • 7m read
How Custom Property Values are Computed
Custom properties - aka “CSS variables” - seem fairly straightforward. However, there are some behaviors to be aware of regarding how the browser computes the final values.
moderncss.dev • 9m read